The Challenge
The aim of the project was to create a mobile application with it's own Visual Identity.
There were several other challenges for the application:
1. Focused for target audience of 15-20 years of age, an appealing and game-yfied UI.
2. The App was supposed to be a video sharing application along with a marketplace for the VR gaming centers. 
3. The working of the application was complex and the challenge was to create the UX as simple as possible.

The Process
1.0 Research 
The application had several important components:
1. Social video sharing platform
2. Booking and creation of VR games centers and user created hubs
3. Video editor and dashboard
Thus, for each of the following thorough secondary research was done, through referencing multiple applications. 
The major task was to creating user journeys that are not complex which covers all the above components. After the initial week we had the first draft for our user journey.
2.0 Wire-framing 
After finalizing the key user journeys, we went ahead with wire-framing the application. Key screens were given the most priority as to set the base for the entire app. After initial drafts the final version of the main video sharing feed screen was designed.
Second priority were given to the other important component of the app, such as the video editor and the market place flow, along with the VR Hub creation flows.
We were able to finish the entire application wire-framing in about 2 weeks

3.0 Theme
As we were working with a brand new application, there were no set brand guidelines or color palettes. So we worked out a theme for the client.
Next challenge was to create a theme for the application using the already devised color palette. We created a couple draft until we reached to the final one.
4.0 Visual Design
As we finished working on the theme, we started the visual design. The project used Sketch App and Illustrator. Firstly, all the important component were designed.
The easy signup process, not affecting the whole screen
5.0 Conclusion
The project took 8 weeks to complete. We used a lean approach to able to finish it before time. The app is still underdevelopment and is looking to hit the stores around late 2020!

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